Update Surveys
Updates let us check for and correct past mistakes.
Do complete drawing checklist.
* save prior originals
* copy current original
* stick and sign
* changes
* update to current mts standards
* revision note (include date, job number)
* date on signature line (make current)
* save field notes
* run through description (check against plat)
* show a closed boundary (check closure)
* update job number, firm number changes to 6838
* check work order for other work to be done
* compare reference surveys (property ties and block ties)
* type of survey
* legend
* notes (lb number)
* log job, description, notes, drawing and bench (especially client-driven updates)
* north arrow
* adjacent areas
* street names (2) match address on work order
* block-tie (compare record & field)
* bearing base
* boundary bearings, distances or angles
Bold lines match description
* easements, , location, description, encroachments or clearances
Check for superfluous easements
* net property line distances
* location sketch
* corners
* building ties, fence ties
* show or note all improvements
* add through ties & buildings, compare to property line
* square out house
* calc and highlight everything on notes
* label drives (conc, dirt, etc.)
* all fences 'x'ed or boxed and tied
* fha? Well and septic w/sticker
* area on vacant lots (and m and l drawings)
* elevations - ngvd note, el. Arrow in legend, base & site bm, bm logged
* verify stated scale (all drawings) verify angles (m and l drawings)
* all abbreviations noted in legend
* drawing block
* section work-ups and preliminary drawings go in section files
* cccl line? Erase. Updated 19??